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Cancer Awareness

Colorectal Cancer: Causes & Risk Factors


Colorectal cancer, is influenced by genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Understanding its causes and risk factors is key for prevention and early detection.


Genetic predisposition: Certain genetic mutations like FAP or Lynch syndrome increase susceptibility.

Inflammation: Chronic conditions like IBD raise the risk of colorectal disease.

Diet and lifestyle: High red meat consumption, low fiber intake, smoking, and obesity are associated with higher risks.

Risk Factors:

Age: Risk increases after 50, making regular screenings vital.

Family history: Those with relatives with colorectal disease are at higher risk.

Personal history: Previous diagnoses of colorectal cancer or polyps increase susceptibility.

Lifestyle: Unhealthy habits like poor diet and lack of exercise elevate risk.

Medical conditions: Diabetes, obesity, and chronic inflammatory conditions increase susceptibility.

Promoting Colorectal Health:

Adopt a healthy lifestyle: Balanced diet, exercise, no smoking, limited alcohol.

Get screened: Regular screenings, starting at 45 or earlier for high-risk individuals, aid early detection.

Know family history: Discuss family history with a healthcare provider for tailored advice.

Be vigilant: Pay attention to symptoms like changes in bowel habits and seek medical attention promptly.

By understanding causes, risk factors, and promoting healthy habits, individuals can lower their risk of colorectal disease and prioritize their well-being. Let’s spread awareness and encourage proactive health measures!

What is Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal cancer, often referred to as bowel cancer, colon cancer, or rectal cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the colon or rectum. It’s one of the most common forms of cancer worldwide, but with early detection and appropriate treatment, it is highly treatable.

This type of cancer typically develops from polyps, abnormal growths in the lining of the colon or rectum. While not all polyps become cancerous, some have the potential to transform into cancer over time. The causes of colorectal cancer are multifactorial and may involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.

Risk factors for colorectal cancer include age, family history of colorectal cancer or polyps, personal history of inflammatory bowel disease, certain genetic syndromes, diets high in red and processed meats, sedentary lifestyles, obesity, smoking, and heavy alcohol use. Recognizing these risk factors is crucial for understanding one’s susceptibility to the disease.

Common symptoms of colorectal cancer may include a change in bowel habits, rectal bleeding or blood in the stool, persistent abdominal discomfort, weakness or fatigue, and unexplained weight loss. However, it’s important to note that early-stage colorectal cancer often shows no symptoms, underscoring the importance of regular screening for early detection.

By increasing awareness and understanding of this disease, individuals can take proactive steps to limit their risk and seek timely medical attention.

The Importance of PET Imaging in Detecting Cancer

Cancer is a disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Early detection of cancer is crucial for successful treatment and improved patient outcomes. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging has emerged as a valuable tool in the early detection, staging, and monitoring of various types of cancer.

PET Imaging or PET scans, is a non-invasive imaging technique that provides detailed information about the function and metabolic activity of tissues in the body. Unlike X-rays or CT scans, PET scans focus on the cellular and molecular level. This makes PET Imaging exceptionally valuable in the early detection, staging, and monitoring of cancer.

Benefits of PET Imaging

Early Detection: PET Imaging can detect cancer at an earlier stage than other imaging methods, sometimes even before structural changes are visible on traditional scans.

Staging and Treatment Planning: PET scans provide information about the extent and location of cancer in the body. Allowing your physician to accurately stage the disease and planthe most appropriate treatment strategy.

Monitoring Treatment Response: PET scans can track how well a patient is responding to cancer treatment. Physicians can assess whether the treatment is effectively reducing the metabolic activity of cancer cells, guiding decisions about treatment adjustments.

Identifying Recurrence: After cancer treatment, PET Imaging can help detect cancer recurrence at an early stage.

Personalized Medicine: PET Imaging plays a vital role in the era of personalized medicine. By providing insights into the molecular characteristics of a patient’s cancer, it helps tailor treatment plans to everyone, optimizing the chances of success.

Contact us to learn more about our services at PET Imaging.

The Power of Healthy Lifestyle Practices for Cancer Prevention

Healthy lifestyle practices can have a significant impact in reducing the risk of cancer. Incorporating healthy habits like focused nutrition, physical activity, staying away from tobacco, and sun safety, you can prevent various types of cancer.

Nourishing the Body for Wellness

Nutrition plays a fundamental role in cancer prevention. By incorporating balanced and nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, individuals can fortify their bodies with essential nutrients and antioxidants that support overall health and reduce the risk of certain cancers.

The Power of Physical Activity

Regular physical activity contributes to overall fitness and cancer prevention. Engaging in moderate to vigorous physical activities can help individuals maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and promote overall well-being.

Breaking Free from Tobacco

Staying away from tobacco is critical in cancer prevention. By quitting smoking and avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke, individuals can significantly lower their risk of developing lung cancer and other tobacco-related cancers.

Embracing Sun Safety Practices

Practicing sun safety, such as using sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and seeking shade, can help reduce the risk of skin cancer caused by harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Taking Charge of Our Health

Together, let’s prioritize our health and well-being. Our providers are here to help! Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Early Detection and Screening for Cancer

As we commemorate National Cancer Prevention Month, it is crucial to recognize the importance of early detection and screening in the ongoing battle against cancer. Regular screenings for different cancer types can greatly impact timely intervention and treatment outcomes.

Importance of Regular Screenings

Regular screenings for various types of cancer, such as breast, cervical, colorectal, prostate, and lung cancer, play a fundamental role in detecting cancer at its earliest stages. These screenings allow healthcare professionals to identify abnormalities or cancerous growths before symptoms begin, increasing the chances of successful treatment and improved prognosis.

Available Screening Methods

From mammograms and Pap tests to colonoscopies and PSA tests, there are diverse screening methods tailored to detect different types of cancer. Understanding these screening options and their recommended frequencies allows patients to be involved with their preventive healthcare and advocate for their well-being.

Timely Intervention

Timely detection through screenings can significantly impact treatment outcomes, potentially leading to less aggressive interventions and higher survival rates. Early-stage cancer diagnosis often offers a wider array of treatment options, making proactive screening a vital component of comprehensive cancer prevention strategies.

Empowering Individuals

By emphasizing the critical role of early detection and screening, we aim to empower individuals with the knowledge and resources to minimize their cancer risk. Through awareness, education, and access to screening programs, we can collectively work towards reducing the burden of cancer.

Stand United for Cancer Prevention

By advocating for regular screenings, staying informed about available screening methods, and encouraging proactive healthcare practices, we can minimize the impact of cancer on individuals and communities.

Let’s continue to raise awareness, prioritize early detection, and practice proactive health initiatives. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against cancer.

Cancer Risk Factors

As we honor National Cancer Prevention Month, it is important to know the factors that can contribute to the development of cancer. Lifestyle choices, environmental influences, genetics, and other variables can increase your risk of cancer. Understanding risk factors is critical to help prevent cancer.

Lifestyle Choices and Environmental Factors

Lifestyle choices such as tobacco use, poor diet, physical inactivity, and exposure to the sun can significantly influence your cancer risk. Understanding the impact of these factors empowers individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles and minimize their cancer risk.

Genetic Predisposition

Genetics plays a pivotal role in certain types of cancer. By recognizing hereditary cancer patterns and understanding genetic risk factors, patients can have discussions with their healthcare providers and consider genetic testing when appropriate.

Empowering Proactive Choices

Armed with knowledge about cancer risk factors, you can make proactive choices to reduce your cancer risk. Adopting healthier habits can help reduce your cancer risk.

Together, let’s take steps towards reducing the impact of cancer in our lives and communities. Our healthcare providers are here to help. Contact us to learn more about our services.

Cervical Cancer Prevention

Prevention is critical when it comes to Cervical cancer. By adopting healthy lifestyle choices and taking advantage of available vaccinations, women can significantly reduce their risk of developing this disease. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of lifestyle choices and vaccination in cervical cancer prevention.

Practicing safe sex by using condoms and limiting the number of sexual partners can help reduce the risk of contracting HPV, the primary cause of cervical cancer.

Vaccination against HPV is a powerful preventive measure against cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine is recommended for boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 14, as well as young adults up to the age of 26. Vaccination provides protection against the most common high-risk HPV strains.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can contribute to overall well-being and lower the risk of various diseases, including cervical cancer. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, along with regular exercise, can boost the immune system and help prevent the development of cancerous cells.

Smoking is a risk factor for cervical cancer. Quitting smoking can have numerous health benefits, including a reduced risk of cervical cancer.

Regular health check-ups, including gynecological examinations, are essential for early detection and prevention of cervical cancer. These examinations can help identify any abnormalities or changes in the cervix that may require further investigation or treatment.

Cervical cancer prevention is within our reach through proactive measures. By adopting healthy lifestyle choices, getting vaccinated against HPV, and seeking regular medical check-ups, women can protect themselves from this potentially life-threatening disease. Our team of dedicated physicians and healthcare professionals are here to support you every step of the way. Contact us learn more about cervical cancer or schedule an appointment today.

Understanding Pancreatic Cancer

Although one of the deadliest forms of cancer, pancreatic cancer is also one of the most difficult cancers to detect in its early stages. Oftentimes, symptoms are not present until the cancer has become very large or spread to other organs. To prevent this disease, it’s important to understand how it develops and some of the risk factors of pancreatic cancer.

Understanding Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the pancreas grow uncontrollably, forming tumors. The pancreas, a vital organ located behind the stomach, plays a key role in digestion and blood sugar regulation.

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms:

While symptoms may vary, it’s essential to be aware of common signs that could indicate pancreatic cancer:

  • Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and eyes.
  • Belly or Back Pain: Discomfort or pain in the abdomen, which may radiate to the back.
  • Unexplained Weight Loss: Significant, unexplained weight loss over a short period.
  • Changes in Stool: Light-colored, oily, or dark stools.
  • Loss of Appetite: A noticeable decrease in appetite and feelings of fullness.

Risk Factors

Certain factors increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, including:

  • Age: The risk increases with age, with most cases diagnosed after the age of 65.
  • Smoking: Smokers are at a higher risk than non-smokers.
  • Family History: A family history of pancreatic cancer or certain genetic syndromes can elevate the risk.
  • Diabetes: People with long-standing diabetes have an increased risk.
  • Chronic Pancreatitis: Ongoing inflammation of the pancreas can raise the risk.

Early Detection

Common forms of early testing include genetic testing and imaging.

Genetic Testing: Identifying genetic mutations can help assess the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, especially for those with a family history.

Imaging Techniques: Advanced imaging methods, such as endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), provide detailed images of the pancreas, aiding in early detection.

While detecting pancreatic cancer early remains challenging, ongoing research and advancements in medical technology offer hope for improving early detection rates. Awareness of the signs, understanding risk factors, and regular health check-ups are vital in the fight against this aggressive disease. By staying informed and proactive, individuals can take charge of their health and contribute to the ongoing efforts to detect pancreatic cancer at an early, more treatable stage.


Cerianna is a whole body new diagnostic tool that allows accurate ER characterization of metastatic lesions in a fast, non-invasive PET/CT scan. Click on the button below to learn more.

Breathe Easy this November: Three Things to Know About Lung Cancer

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Lung cancer doesn’t discriminate; it affects both smokers and non-smokers, emphasizing the importance of awareness and education no matter your lifestyle. With a disease prevalent among millions worldwide, there are steps you take now to reduce your risk. Check out these three key facts about lung cancer. Keep them in mind this month and evaluate your lifestyle and health. Is it time to make some changes this November?

Fact 1: Prevalence and Impact:
Lung cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers globally. It is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths, responsible for approximately 2 million deaths each year.

Fact 2: Complex Causes and Risk Factors:
While smoking remains a significant contributor to lung cancer cases, non-smokers are also at risk. Exposure to secondhand smoke, environmental factors like air pollution, and genetic predisposition can increase the likelihood of developing lung cancer. Occupational hazards, such as exposure to asbestos and radon gas, are additional risk factors. Understanding these complexities emphasizes the importance of comprehensive prevention strategies, including smoking cessation programs, promoting clean air initiatives, and workplace safety measures.

Fact 3: Progress in Treatment and Early Detection:
Advances in medical research have led to significant progress in lung cancer treatments. Targeted therapies and immunotherapy have revolutionized the way we approach this disease, offering more personalized and effective options for patients. Additionally, early detection through screening methods like low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scans has proven to be instrumental in diagnosing lung cancer at earlier, more treatable stages.

Understanding the facts about lung cancer is the first step towards reducing your risk of lung cancer. Stay proactive and encourage your family or loved ones to learn about lung cancer causes and prevention.


As with all cancers, an important part of the treatment process is detecting the cancer as early as possible. PET Imaging now offers a PSMA PET/CT scan. Click on the button below to learn more.

If You Have Prostate Cancer: Questions to Ask Your Doctor

A prostate cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and scary. You will probably have lots of questions, and wonder where to even begin. Be open with your doctor with your questions and concerns. Here’s a guide you can follow to gain understanding of what to expect.

Understand the stage and seriousness of the cancer. The stage of the cancer is how far the cancer has spread. Knowing the stage of your cancer is important so your doctor can determine what types of treatment might be best for you.

The American Cancer Society recommends these questions:

  • Do you know the stage and risk group of cancer?
  • If not, how and when will you find out?
  • Would you explain to me what the stage and risk group mean in my case?
  • What will happen next?

The big question on your mind will be, How do I fight it? Your doctor will discuss treatment options with you. Determining a treatment plan will consider things like the cancer type, stage and grade for the cancer, pre-existing health problems, and your personal concerns among many other factors.

The main kinds of treatment are observation, active surveillance, surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, and chemo. Sometimes more than one kind of treatment is used.

What will happen after treatment?

After treatment, your doctor will want you to come back for follow-up visits. You will be asked about symptoms, get exams and potentially have blood tests and other tests to monitor indicators.

It will be hard not to worry about a recurrence, but with regular check ups with your doctor, and implementing a healthy lifestyle, you can stay ahead of recurrence and have ease of mind.

The longer you’re cancer-free, the less often the visits are needed.


As with all cancers, an important part of the treatment process is detecting the cancer as early as possible. PET Imaging now offers a PSMA PET/CT scan. Click on the button below to learn more.