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Navigating Cerianna PET/CT Scans: Addressing Three Common Questions

Medical imaging plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and management of various health conditions, and the Cerianna PET/CT scan is a notable advancement in this field. If you’re considering or have been recommended for a Cerianna PET/CT scan, you likely have questions. We address three key questions about Cerianna PET/CT scans to provide clarity and ease any concerns you may have.

What Is a Cerianna PET/CT Scan, and How Does It Work?

Cerianna is a whole body new diagnostic tool that allows accurate ER characterization of metastatic lesions in a fast, non-invasive PET/CT scan. Cerianna is a radioactive diagnostic agent indicated for use with PET imaging for the detection of estrogen receptor (ER)-positive lesions as an adjunct to biopsy in patients with recurrent or metastatic breast cancer.

What Can I Expect During a Cerianna PET/CT Scan?

Pre-Scan Recommendation: The radioactive tracer is short-lived and will leave your body quickly; however, we encourage you to drink plenty of water following your scan.

Pre-Scan Procedure: Our PET/CT technologist will bring you from the waiting room to a small, private and comfortable room. You will receive an injection of a small amount of radioactive tracer through an IV in your arm. Then you relax and wait for approximately an hour while the radioactive tracer circulates in your body. The injection will not make you feel different or unusual and will not prevent you from resuming your normal daily activities once your scan is completed. This injection is safe and has no known side effects or allergic reactions.

Scan Setup Procedure: After about one hour, our technologist will position you on the scanner. Most PET/CT scans take about 25-40 minutes. Our PET/CT scanner is a donut shape and is open on both ends and offers a much more open feeling than an MRI.

Scanning Process: During the scan, you will be exposed to a minimal amount of radiation; however, we believe the benefits of the information provided by the scan outweigh the small potential risk. Please let us know if you have any concerns about this exposure.

Scan Result Waiting Time: Typically, your doctor will receive scan results in 24-48 hours.

What is the advantage of Cerianna PET/CT imaging?

Cerianna PET/CT scans offer a number of advantages including valuable insights into estrogen receptor activity in breast cancer, aiding in diagnosis and treatment planning. Other advantages include:

  • Non-invasive
  • Easy prep, NO fasting required
  • Quick exam, start to finish less than 2 hours
  • Results within 24 – 48 hours

If you have been recommended for a Cerianna PET/CT scan, understanding the procedure and its purpose can help alleviate any concerns. Always consult with your healthcare provider to address specific questions related to your health, ensuring a comprehensive and informed approach to your medical imaging experience.


Diagnostic tests can be stressful. It takes more than medicine to get the best care; we believe compassion, empathy and joy are important to healing. We’re committed to making your journey as easy, comfortable and positive as possible.